WZ Team on deck at the Florida Skimboarding Pro Am by Run Drop Slide
The WZ Skim Team has just returned from the Florida Pro Am 2018. The annual event, by Run Drop Slide (RDS) is on the "not to be missed" list of Team Manager Alex Bevard, due in part to it's healthy competition and ideal location.

Competition aside, Vilano Beach continues to lead as the #1 skim spot for Pro Skimboarder Ryan McFarland and many of the WZ Skim Team riders, so reaching a hearty roster for the Florida Pro Am isn't a tough sell.

Great weather and good vibes were enjoyed by all. With extensive live streaming and social media coverage by Alex Bevard, those who couldn't attend remained in touch with the event as it progressed through the heats. Competition was stiff and riders committed to bringing their best. Shout out to all who participated and big congratulations to our team bringing home placements in their divisions!
Tyler Walters, Am - 1st
Sterling Myers, Am - 1st
Alex Bevard, Am - 2nd
Nathan Carter, Am - 4th
Ryan McFarland, Pro - 3rd

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