Jacob Carter - Sample
Jacob Carter

Jacob Carter
- Position: Hammer Traction Team Rider
- From: St. Petersburg, FL
- Other sponsors: Hammer Surf Traction
- My Boards: GT 52, Hydro 52, WZ Fish Hook
- Stance: Regular
- Frequent Skim Spots: Johns Pass, Sand Pebble, Sebastion Inlet
- Favorite Skim Spot: Trestles
- When I’m not Skimming I’m: Skating, Fishing, Surfing.
- Life Goal: Become a Firefighter
- Things You Like/Love/Enjoy: The beach, the water, Fishing, Turkey Sandwiches.
- Why Do You Skim? It’s fun. My brothers skim and surf and my family is at the beach as much as possible. My parents are really supportive of us and it makes a big difference in our lives.